Financial Focus Update – Autumn 2021

The latest edition of Financial Focus is available now, in this edition we take a look at the following topics:
- ‘New retirement’ Many reaching retirement age are choosing to remain in work part-time rather than make the dramatic shift from full-time to leisure. We look at ‘new retirement’, phasing the end of work and managing the costs of retirement.
- Income protection – a simple safety net Unexpected life events are exactly that: unexpected. While having a rainy day fund remains important, what the past two years have shown us is that a back-up plan, such as protection policies, brings additional security if you are suddenly unable to work.
- The return of inflation? The jump in inflation in the first seven months of 2021 has left some economists feeling anxious about a potential return to a wage/price increase spiral. Whether this is a short-term reaction to the pandemic or a longer term problem, it could have a knock-on effect on the value of your holdings.
- No fault divorce From April 2022 divorce law in England and Wales is changing. Couples looking to separate will be able to cite irretrievable breakdown, and if only one partner is seeking divorce, the other will not be able to contest it. Reaching a mutually acceptable financial settlement may not be so simple, so taking advice is important.
Please note the following:
All investments involve different degrees of risk. Please remember that past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of units and shares and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors might not get back the amount originally invested. Exchange rates may cause the value of overseas investments to rise or fall.
Where we have expressed views and opinions, these may change over time. None of the information mentioned in this document represents a specific portfolio or holding nor constitutes a recommendation to buy or sell.